
Monday, March 18, 2013


Monday, Monday...yes I woke up to the tune of the Mamas and the Papas in my head. I may have been born in the 80's but I have a great appreciation for the music that came before my time. I've been told I have an old soul...that is a good thing, right? Well my soul can get as old as it wants but as long as I'm able I'm going to keep the rest of me up to snuff!!

Three days a week I dedicate myself to a fun yet challenging mixture of Pilates, push-ups, sit-ups, free weights, and jumping jacks. Though I lost the weight, I am still on a physical journey to be as fit as I see fit. By no means am I looking to be Mr. Universe...that's just not my thing, I simply want to stay in shape. As we all know, breathing heavy and sweating cause dry mouth (dehydration) and loss of electrolytes. Hydration is essential before, during, and after exercise. I don't drink a high quantity of fluids before and during work-outs because it could lead to uncomfortable abdominal bloating and/or cramps. I don't want to be faced with sheer exhaustion or dehydration at the end of a work-out either; I consume small amounts of liquids while exercising in order to maintain my electrolyte balance and hydration. I have tried many sports drinks in my life thus far and in most cases I still felt rather thirsty after drinking half the bottle! When I first tried the H30 I couldn't believe what was happening!! After just a few sips, not even swigs but sips, my mouth became moist, instantly, and maintained that moisture longer than any other product I had tried before. I was thinking, "Yeah right!".  As I finished off my bottle of H30 at the end of my work-out I felt replenished and full of life as opposed to depleted and exhausted. Herbalife continues to simply amaze and baffle me on a daily basis in some way or another. To think this company has been around for over 30 years, is used by millions in over 90 countries world-wide....and I just started 5 months ago! I should have at least started 5 years ago but it's never to late to get on the right path. H30 is a great blend of electrolytes, vitamins A, C, E, calcium, and magnesium... and only 60 calories! H30 is more than a thirst is a true "replenisher". Sit back and enjoy Dr. Luigi in another informative video. To all: take care and be well!!

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