
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Herbal Tea Bestows Many Benefits

Well I would like nothing more than to say it is a beautiful day here...but saying I love a good downpour only pertains to a warm summer night. The cold, damp, and dreary is not a way to start the day. The rain is essential and it has been so dry and dusty here lately I'm sure the earth needs some serious hydration!! The cold and the damp has chilled me to the bone but I know exactly how to remedy this problem. I've decided to warm up my Herbal Tea Concentrate this morning as opposed to my usual cool cup of it. That is just one of the benefits I love about the Herbalife Tea; it is formulated to drink cold, warm, or hot!! I drink it every morning with my Cell Activator, Multivitamin, and Total Control. I will explain more about the amazing Total Control supplement tomorrow, I have a feeling you will find the informative facts to be most useful!! As I mentioned in a previous post, I used to be a serious coffee a whole pot to start my morning!! When I started drinking the herbal tea it gave me an instant boost of energy but not the "jittery" kind of energy...a more natural feeling kind. My favorite flavor is the raspberry. It tastes amazing and refreshing. I can tell the difference between natural raspberry flavor and the artificial found in other drinks on the market and the natural flavor is worth adopting. I gave up the coffee for the most part. Now and then I will enjoy a cup because I still like the flavor of coffee but it is few and far between. The digestive benefits and nutrition in the herbal tea is a big plus. Loaded with antioxidants and nourishment this delicious herbal powder dissolves quickly, boosts metabolism, burns calories, and provides a fantastic "pick-me-up" any time of the day or night. Enjoy Gina's video and let her tell you even more about this awesome product!! As always...take care and be well!! 

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