
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fiber, Enzymes, and Digestion

So today is another blue skies and sunshine day!! The temperature is cooler than I prefer so I have to hold off on washing the car. I insist on hand-washing the car for better detail and geez it really needs it. Tomorrow should be in the upper 50's so I should be good to go. I'm still waiting patiently for that beach weather...ahh my getaway!!

Today I want to talk about the importance of digestion and how all nutrition starts there. Digestion leads to absorption. Simply what we consume we are, in fact, what you cliche'.  If our digestive system is not working properly we do not receive proper absorption. When we aren't properly absorbing we then starve our vital organs from proper nutrition, potentially leading to a multitude of heath problems. Our digestion is also linked to our immune system. A well functioning immune system will fight off illness and disease. I believe in sustaining the quality of life. Taking care of ourselves now sets a foundation for better aging without serious health issues in the future potentially leading to less of a dependency on chemical drugs with bad side-effects. I have not been sick in years...not even so much as a common cold. People around me find this to be amazing and to be quite honest, so do I.  Before Herbalife I was trying to take care of my digestion and immune system in various ways and all became inconvenient and rather expensive. Now everything I need is easy and quick.  I take care of my immune system by taking care of my digestive system. Our bodies are stronger and smarter than we may think and when we bring our entire system into a well balanced state of being the results are mind-blowing. I take Herbal Aloe liquid every morning on an empty stomach. I use the liquid form when I am at home because it needs to be refrigerated and when I am on the road traveling 7-12 hours I take my canister of the aloe powder because no refrigeration is necessary. One of the biggest contributor to digestive health is fiber! Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans are excellent sources of natural fiber and in some, digestive enzymes. However with our fast-paced world we live in today it is hard to get the required servings of fiber. The scientists and doctors at Herbalife recognize this issue which is why they have formulated products such as the Herbal Aloe and Active Fiber Complex. Some days I have the time to ingest my fiber through regular healthy foods and for those days that I am on the go I know I have the Active Fiber Complex on my side to get me through conveniently.  I love Herbalife and all those who know me know this about me. Herbalife derives it's nourishment from natural sources, therefore we will get optimal results because our bodies can fully absorb the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids for complete nutrient absorption. Dr. Luigi is back again to educate us a little more on digestive health so sit back and soak it in!! As always, take care and be well!!

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