
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Colors and Carbohydrates

Overcast and rain are in the forecast all I suppose I better make the most of it; lemons to lemonade! Being without sunshine is rather boring and dull so I will have to brighten up my day with a nutritional rainbow! If you are ever in doubt about how to get good carbohydrates in a great, nutritious meal just remember the more colorful the better! Starting with red, go through all the colors and make a mix of  your favorite fruits and vegetables!

A good example:

Red (apples, raspberries, tomatoes, red bell peppers, and radishes).
Orange (oranges/tangerines, carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes).
Yellow (bananas, yellow bell peppers, summer squash).
Green (kiwi, green bell peppers, zucchini, spinach, broccoli, and avocado).
Blue/Purple (blueberries, blackberries, plums, grapes, red (purple) onions, cabbage, and eggplant.
*add cauliflower for a garnish of white.

 There are more choices out there but I had to mention my favorites, of course!

Carbs are the fuel the human body prefers to keep us going. When we think of carbs we tend to automatically think of starchy potatoes, pastas, breads, and rice. Some are not as good or bad as we may think, however, because they contain less water we must consume less in order to stay within healthy guidelines. When we fill up on water-containing forms of carbs, found in certain fruits and vegetables, we can consume more food and fuel up on a vitamin and mineral packed power meal!

 I am going to venture out to the market and gather some colorful nutrition that is appealing to the eye and nourishing to the body. I am going to make this a brighter day, sunshine or not! Enjoy the informative video and gain some more food for thought! As always, take care and be well!!

Monday, March 18, 2013


Monday, Monday...yes I woke up to the tune of the Mamas and the Papas in my head. I may have been born in the 80's but I have a great appreciation for the music that came before my time. I've been told I have an old soul...that is a good thing, right? Well my soul can get as old as it wants but as long as I'm able I'm going to keep the rest of me up to snuff!!

Three days a week I dedicate myself to a fun yet challenging mixture of Pilates, push-ups, sit-ups, free weights, and jumping jacks. Though I lost the weight, I am still on a physical journey to be as fit as I see fit. By no means am I looking to be Mr. Universe...that's just not my thing, I simply want to stay in shape. As we all know, breathing heavy and sweating cause dry mouth (dehydration) and loss of electrolytes. Hydration is essential before, during, and after exercise. I don't drink a high quantity of fluids before and during work-outs because it could lead to uncomfortable abdominal bloating and/or cramps. I don't want to be faced with sheer exhaustion or dehydration at the end of a work-out either; I consume small amounts of liquids while exercising in order to maintain my electrolyte balance and hydration. I have tried many sports drinks in my life thus far and in most cases I still felt rather thirsty after drinking half the bottle! When I first tried the H30 I couldn't believe what was happening!! After just a few sips, not even swigs but sips, my mouth became moist, instantly, and maintained that moisture longer than any other product I had tried before. I was thinking, "Yeah right!".  As I finished off my bottle of H30 at the end of my work-out I felt replenished and full of life as opposed to depleted and exhausted. Herbalife continues to simply amaze and baffle me on a daily basis in some way or another. To think this company has been around for over 30 years, is used by millions in over 90 countries world-wide....and I just started 5 months ago! I should have at least started 5 years ago but it's never to late to get on the right path. H30 is a great blend of electrolytes, vitamins A, C, E, calcium, and magnesium... and only 60 calories! H30 is more than a thirst is a true "replenisher". Sit back and enjoy Dr. Luigi in another informative video. To all: take care and be well!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cellulite, Toxins, and Weight-Loss

TGIF!!! What a long but productive week it's been. I am looking forward to the weekend. I have a few projects to accomplish around the house and some errands to run but once I get that all out of the way it's rest and relaxation for this guy!!

To close out the week I want to mention an incredible product that is a necessary tool to use during proper weight-loss, Cell-U-Loss. Proper diet and exercise are important during weight-loss in order to eliminate toxins and keep skin and muscles firm. Though we may be eating well and exercising often our bodies may still retain fluids. When toxins and fluids combine with fat cells we may find ourselves with a cellulite problem. The good news is that we can combat this problem by a healthy elimination of toxins and a proper shift in fluid retention. When I started my weight-loss journey I used Cell-U-Loss with my regiment. Within a few days I could see a difference in my skin's appearance!! No acne, no discoloration, simply clearer and firmer skin! I was flushing toxins out of my body and was making room for nutrients to move on in!  Not only was I losing weight, I had energy and was feeling great, and my skin began to look very if it could finally breathe again! Hear from Dr. Luigi for a great synopsis on this supplement. Click the link below to hear Gina explain further about Cell-U-Loss and cellulite.
 Have a great weekend everyone and as always, take care and be well!!

Cell-U-Loss: Cell-U-Loss is a specially-designed product to help combat the lumpy cellulite that dieting alone can't get rid of.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fiber, Enzymes, and Digestion

So today is another blue skies and sunshine day!! The temperature is cooler than I prefer so I have to hold off on washing the car. I insist on hand-washing the car for better detail and geez it really needs it. Tomorrow should be in the upper 50's so I should be good to go. I'm still waiting patiently for that beach weather...ahh my getaway!!

Today I want to talk about the importance of digestion and how all nutrition starts there. Digestion leads to absorption. Simply what we consume we are, in fact, what you cliche'.  If our digestive system is not working properly we do not receive proper absorption. When we aren't properly absorbing we then starve our vital organs from proper nutrition, potentially leading to a multitude of heath problems. Our digestion is also linked to our immune system. A well functioning immune system will fight off illness and disease. I believe in sustaining the quality of life. Taking care of ourselves now sets a foundation for better aging without serious health issues in the future potentially leading to less of a dependency on chemical drugs with bad side-effects. I have not been sick in years...not even so much as a common cold. People around me find this to be amazing and to be quite honest, so do I.  Before Herbalife I was trying to take care of my digestion and immune system in various ways and all became inconvenient and rather expensive. Now everything I need is easy and quick.  I take care of my immune system by taking care of my digestive system. Our bodies are stronger and smarter than we may think and when we bring our entire system into a well balanced state of being the results are mind-blowing. I take Herbal Aloe liquid every morning on an empty stomach. I use the liquid form when I am at home because it needs to be refrigerated and when I am on the road traveling 7-12 hours I take my canister of the aloe powder because no refrigeration is necessary. One of the biggest contributor to digestive health is fiber! Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and beans are excellent sources of natural fiber and in some, digestive enzymes. However with our fast-paced world we live in today it is hard to get the required servings of fiber. The scientists and doctors at Herbalife recognize this issue which is why they have formulated products such as the Herbal Aloe and Active Fiber Complex. Some days I have the time to ingest my fiber through regular healthy foods and for those days that I am on the go I know I have the Active Fiber Complex on my side to get me through conveniently.  I love Herbalife and all those who know me know this about me. Herbalife derives it's nourishment from natural sources, therefore we will get optimal results because our bodies can fully absorb the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids for complete nutrient absorption. Dr. Luigi is back again to educate us a little more on digestive health so sit back and soak it in!! As always, take care and be well!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Feel Totally in Control!!

Good day all!! It is blue skies and sunshine here in Tabor City and I am a happy boy!! No I am not here to constantly blog about my local weather however I, like most people, can be affected by the weather. The dark, gloomy, damp days can be rather unfortunate and depressing while the sunny and warm days can create a more beneficial state of mind and body. I started my morning with my usual regiment of Multivitamin, Cell Activator, Total Control, and Herbal Tea Concentrate. It was chilly at 7 a.m. so I had my tea warm like I did yesterday and it was very tasty to sip on. Today I want to talk about the benefits of Total Control and why I take the supplement. When I started my journey with Herbalife about 5 month ago I wouldn't say I was obese but I was 15 lbs overweight and I could have benefited from losing a few inches around the waist as well. I lost weight because I replaced 2 meals a day with the Formula 1 shake but that alone is not enough. From the Formula 1 I received a well balanced meal fortified with essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs. The Herbal Tea Concentrate and the Total Control is what actually boosted my metabolism and helped me to burn fat and gain energy!! Weight-loss is difficult without the sustained energy it takes to stay motivated. I have been off the weight-loss program for 4 months now and I am simply maintaining my current weight. The Total Control is a good supplement to boost metabolism and it offers other beneficial levels as well.....mental clarity, alertness, and energy!! I have to face the facts that I can think more clearly, my stress level has gone down, I handle potential stressful situation better, my reflex and response time has increased, and I have sustained energy!! Total Control is a tea-based supplement that provides natural fuel with a good octane level. It's just one of my many tools I use to stay focused, optimistic, and energetic. With Total Control I feel totally in control!! Sit back and enjoy Dr. Luigi as he fills you in on the science behind this awesome and versatile supplement. As always, take care and be well!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Herbal Tea Bestows Many Benefits

Well I would like nothing more than to say it is a beautiful day here...but saying I love a good downpour only pertains to a warm summer night. The cold, damp, and dreary is not a way to start the day. The rain is essential and it has been so dry and dusty here lately I'm sure the earth needs some serious hydration!! The cold and the damp has chilled me to the bone but I know exactly how to remedy this problem. I've decided to warm up my Herbal Tea Concentrate this morning as opposed to my usual cool cup of it. That is just one of the benefits I love about the Herbalife Tea; it is formulated to drink cold, warm, or hot!! I drink it every morning with my Cell Activator, Multivitamin, and Total Control. I will explain more about the amazing Total Control supplement tomorrow, I have a feeling you will find the informative facts to be most useful!! As I mentioned in a previous post, I used to be a serious coffee a whole pot to start my morning!! When I started drinking the herbal tea it gave me an instant boost of energy but not the "jittery" kind of energy...a more natural feeling kind. My favorite flavor is the raspberry. It tastes amazing and refreshing. I can tell the difference between natural raspberry flavor and the artificial found in other drinks on the market and the natural flavor is worth adopting. I gave up the coffee for the most part. Now and then I will enjoy a cup because I still like the flavor of coffee but it is few and far between. The digestive benefits and nutrition in the herbal tea is a big plus. Loaded with antioxidants and nourishment this delicious herbal powder dissolves quickly, boosts metabolism, burns calories, and provides a fantastic "pick-me-up" any time of the day or night. Enjoy Gina's video and let her tell you even more about this awesome product!! As always...take care and be well!! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Importance of Cellular Nutrition

What a great weekend!! The weather was skies and sunshine mixed with a temperature around the low 70's. I must admit I felt spoiled by Mother Nature so I could not resist indulging in the opportunity to basque in the ambiance. I had some tasks to complete around the house so I simply whistled while I worked. I moved down here to North Carolina from Pennsylvania about 7 months ago and I love climate so much more here. Being only 30 minutes from N. Mertyl Beach I am clearly looking forward to a sand-filled summer!! Now that I started taking better care of myself by  concentrating on food as a healing source instead of a compulsion I certainly feel more energetic, optimistic, and simply HEALTHY!! Now I am looking to be more active and truly make the most out of life. I realized how the Core Products (Formulas 1, 2, and 3) make an outstanding difference in the way I feel on the inside and look on the outside. I spent years juggling synthetic vitamins and found myself feeling more tired than energetic. When the body attempts to absorb something synthetic it recognizes the synthetic as something foreign or alien to the the body. When this happens the body doesn't trust the synthetic and wants to naturally flush it out  before proper absorption. Just the opposite happens when nutrients that are derived from natural sources start processing in the body. Our bodies carry with them the elements of the earth so when we supplement ourselves with naturally derived vitamins, minerals, and herbs we can then absorb the nutrients completely leading to optimal results. I feel wonderful every day because of Herbalife supplements and I still find myself amazed that I could ever feel this great!! Proper nutrition starts on the inside with proper products. Take care and be well!!